i completely crushed it! since that posting i have not only finished Oishinbo (great) but have finished seven (7!), SEVEN books since then! oddly enough and not really by design, just coincidence, the last six have all happened to be non-fiction. just when i was in to the last 20 pages or so of my last book (The Wild Trees) a package arrived from a friend with a couple books he enjoyed. Both non-fiction and so, the trend continues. does it make it more meaningful when a book is 'real?' when i think back at some of the books that have left me with a real call-to-action, go-out-and-do-something feeling it certainly seems that way. after my last read i am rady to go climb a tree FOR SURE.
as for january resolutions, pshaw. i continue to be on an on 3 days, off 4 sort of rotation. gotta find something habit forming. to replace my bad habits.
SO - the books - I started a GoodReads account in 2008 yet have updated it for the first time just today. adding a widget to keep up with books i've read and a handy list on my phone of things I plan on reading. i think i can add some sort of widget here - which i will do right now.