
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Captain Sir Star Wars Superhero

listening: The Black Keys Attack & Release and specifically Psychotic Girl - can't get sick of it
reading: Newspaper headlines. Yesterday when I glanced at the Charlotte Observer's homepage, headline coverage of the devastation in Southeast Asia was limited to the following: "'Survivor' not harmed by Pacific quake, tsunami."
watching: Sesame Street. Trying to wean Caleb of the Wow Wow Wubbzy and push something that has some educational value (yeah, yeah, I'm talking about TV - start judging). This morning they were talking about NEAR and FAR - when I was a little girl Grover was my favorite and his NEAR and FAR sketch my absolute favorite of the Grover moments. Sadly, either we missed the sketch this morning or they retired it. Thankfully, we live in the age of youtube!
eating: Pancakes. Much improvement made on the morning front - enough so that Caleb & I enjoyed pancakes for breakfast - that I made from scratch mind you (there are no other pancakes in my mind). He ate 2 1/2 - which is a hungryman breakfast for him. Also, when I was a little girl I loved pancakes more than Grover. Seriously? I could eat a half dozen EASY.
drinking: nothing of enough interest to report. some black coffee to get me through the rest of the day. not very good coffee at that.
CAP: This Halloween costume obsession is killing me! First it was a Jawa. Then a pirate. Then he brought a knight in to the mix (thanks to his buddy Harris at school). And then he tossed around "Star Wars" as a general category - sometimes being as specific as a stormtrooper. And then he saw a Batman costume at Target. What is a mom to do?

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